Monday, 2 December 2013

Fun With Collages

My daughter has been rather sick. She has a throat infection and as a result has been miserable and clingy for a couple of days, which has put a bit of a damper on my christmas shopping plans! But nevermind, the important thing is keeping her as comfortable as possible while she recovers. Because of her illness I haven't really left the house and certainly haven't bothered getting dressed up to take my own photos, so I offer another collage up to please the blog gods.

I didn't really have a theme in mind when I started, I just chose a dress I liked and added in some accessories I would wear with it. All of the items I chose are from Modcloth. Their sale is almost over so have a look if you haven't already! Even though I've placed an order and really can't afford to buy anything more, I can't help but to look through all the sale stuff (and the non sale stuff) and pine!

Peach, Cream and Gold


By the way I'm really enjoying making these collages. I've wondered for ages how I could make magazine style collages easily and found that Polyvore has exactly the tool I need. Its really easy to use and I've been having lots of fun compiling lists of items to use in later collages. Next time I make one I'll try not to use exclusively Modcloth items lol. I swear its not nearly the only place I shop, I've just spent a lot of time browsing the last couple of days for myself and for my best friend. I love making wishlists for her, even though she rarely likes the things I choose! I often wish that I could force her to wear some of the things I pick out for her, I'm sure she'd look great! But she's very particular about the things she wears, which is obviously totally understandable. Maybe one day though I'll pick a dress and she'll decide its perfect and buy it and love it forever and ever. Hey, a girl can dream!