I've been MIA and I apologize to anyone who noticed. I had a lot on my plate finishing assignments for my course and also volunteering at the school, and I was feeling pretty down too so I wasn't much in the mood for blogging. I really want to get back into it now though!
Modcloth are having a sale! There are loads of awesome items for 50% off AND they have free shipping to Australia for a limited time on orders over $150. Sooooooo my friend and I went a little nuts and have a few items on the way. There were so many things I wanted to buy. Its rare to find things on sale AND available in my size, and the free shipping made it even more irresistible. I couldn't go too overboard, but I managed to get a few items that have been sitting on my wishlist for months and months, it was like fate! The dresses below are some of my favourites available on Modcloth at the moment. A couple are on sale, some are still full price. I wish I could have bought them all (and more)! If some wealthy benefactor wishes to sponsor my obsessive compulsive shopping habits feel free to drop me a line lol!

Modcloth are having a sale! There are loads of awesome items for 50% off AND they have free shipping to Australia for a limited time on orders over $150. Sooooooo my friend and I went a little nuts and have a few items on the way. There were so many things I wanted to buy. Its rare to find things on sale AND available in my size, and the free shipping made it even more irresistible. I couldn't go too overboard, but I managed to get a few items that have been sitting on my wishlist for months and months, it was like fate! The dresses below are some of my favourites available on Modcloth at the moment. A couple are on sale, some are still full price. I wish I could have bought them all (and more)! If some wealthy benefactor wishes to sponsor my obsessive compulsive shopping habits feel free to drop me a line lol!
I'm going to try to keep blogging regularly again. Its hard when I'm stuck in a deep blue funk. It feels like I have nothing interesting to say and there's no point to writing, which may yet be true, but when I'm in a good mood I can ignore that! And hopefully no one minds my rambling too much.
I'm finished studying for the year, I now have a couple of very uneventful looking months before I begin again next year. I'm looking forward to when the kids are off school so we can do stuff together during the day, but I'm also looking forward to going back myself, I feel much better when my days are full and productive. I was hoping I could enroll in some other course just for fun over the holiday period, but there's nothing available until next year unfortunately! I'll have to launch myself into some other projects to keep me busy. I have a few sewing projects I've been meaning to do, and I also really want to get back into photography, so hopefully I can manage to get somewhere with those things over the next couple of months.
I really hope everyone is doing well!